Well here we are in Oklahoma. We found a small house to rent and are busy painting and unpacking. The kids are helping out and really like painting. which is good because I do not. I go back to work in a few days and will see how the new place is to work in.
I grew up in the woods and water of Michigan. I've seen most of this country and a few others. I'm happily married with three great kids, two cats and two ugly dogs. I'm currently a culinary student at New England Culinary Institute (NECI). I was just medically discharged from the US Army in July 2012 after six years of service I'm a vagabond, never content and lose interest easily. I consider the UP our home, I will return there some day. I've changed careers three times and been to college several times. What's wrong with me? My wife has been by my side through every change. Hopefully I can find some peace with myself.