Sunday, January 23, 2011

Still Deployed

Here I sit in the dark, dank MWR tent sucking up free WiFi. Hey deployment could be much worse, right? The weather was beautiful today for a foobit like me and I had to whole day to myself. Great except I'm going to another sandy country for the remaining months of deployment and I've already shipped everything but the lappy, my nook and a uniform. So basically it's been me and my thoughts all day, which is dangerous on deployment. I have not had a day off in a long time and all I did was wander around camp looking lost. I did my errands this morning (haircut, laundry etc) and was done bu 1000. Great, now what? I'm taking a course and so far so good. It's a history course, US History to be precise so I'm hoping for a good grade, my GPA is suckin' pretty hard right now.

The MWR tent also doubles as the gym so I get to watch people work out which is very entertaining. During the day it's usually Navy guys as the Army is at work right now. The Navy guys like to do "smart" stuff while working out. Calisthenics, crossfit, watching a P90X video, stuff like that. The Army guys like lifting things, push-ups and wrestling for exercise. the Navy guys are doing refined gentlemanly exercising while the Army guys basically break rocks for fun and exercise. The Air Force? Well they don't exercise, have you seen most of them? Mostly the Navy guys are all officers, I don't think they have much of a PT standard. At night this place becomes a Navy officer hang out with textbooks and thick manuals laid out. Very impressive until you take a peek at the computer screen and it's Facebook, it's always Facebook.

Well I leave soon for the other sandy place mentioned above, hopefully I'll be able to sneak some pics.

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